Friday, March 24, 2023

Midnight Musings

 I don't usually write things at 3 in the morning, but then again, I don't usually lay in bed for seemingly hours on end unable to sleep for no reason at all. At any rate, here we are.

It sure has been quite a long time since I have written anything. Typically I think about writing things, and say to myself that it would be great to write about such and such, but nothing ever comes of it. Then again, usually when I have these thoughts I am at work and am busy, you guessed it, working, or else I am drifting off to sleep with the greatest of intentions that die on the soft wings of sleep that vanquish the mightiest warrior. If I ever do sit down to write, I typically don't get much further than a half finished draft that sits in my long list of unfinished writing projects collecting html dust. About the only completed writing projects I have had at all recently are notes, letters, or poems for my sweet wife Mandy.

However, with my aforementioned out of the blue insomnia, I have had plenty of time to think about what I want to say and do here with my time, so I shall presently go about it. Besides 'writing' in general, it has always been my intention for the past three and a half years to write a year in review and send it out to family and close friends I want to keep updated on the big stuff that goes on over here with us. (Yall know who you are, cheers!) I intend to do that now. My idea is to write an email with an overview, a few specific heartfelt details perhaps, maybe some pictures, and then links to here for further reading on specific situations or trains of thought I have had that might clutter up an already long email. That way, people need not venture out into the weeds if they have not the inclination, but those who want to know more details have an avenue to get them.

So that's the idea. We'll see how far my intentions go. I really am seemingly endlessly busy, but I do care about all yall - even if I don't call as much as I'd like. Also maybe I'll make some progress on a handful of my other writings as well. I have a thrilling, suspenseful story (think Quiet Place vibes but darker and more mystery) that has been percolating in my head for almost two years. I would like to write it as a screenplay, but I might just write it as a short story first. Who knows hahahae. At any rate, that's what's up yall. Cheers!