Friday, January 19, 2018


[Notice: this post has almost nothing of substance within to read and is all just me merely talking about writing and not actually writing... if that makes sense. At any rate, there's nothing remotely interesting here, so I wouldn't blame you at all for not reading this.]

But let's crack on with it anyways.
Wow. I know it's kinda cliche to say, but my life has been so busy lately, with hardly any time for writing. Then when I finally do have time, I can't find the will to write, and when I have both of these, I sometimes can't figure out what I should write in the first place. And then I'll finally write something, but only half finish it and leave it as a draft and never publish it and never come back to finish it. Hahae, it's a vicious cycle! Oh well. Nothing to do but mush on I suppose. Perhaps as I catch up on my reading and get school matters more under control I'll be able to pick back up and write more, but for now there will probably be a much slower pace of writing. But who knows, we'll see. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that life is like a pitch: you never know if it'll be a curve-ball.

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