Friday, April 20, 2018

How To Wave At People The Fun Way

Wednesday, April 18th, 2018

It was just another average day cleaning at the Stormcellar. Nothing too exciting. I was vacuuming some rugs near the back of the store, when who should walk by but Karis. I waved, and she waved back, and that was that. I see people I know walk by all the time, and I almost always wave if I happen to notice them, so I thought nothing of it and went back to work. A couple minutes later she came back again, and, since she knew I was still there, she evidently thought it would be a great idea to wave excitedly at me over and over again whilst smiling and walking backwards along the sidewalk. This seemed perhaps a little strange, but I went along with it nonetheless and waved back with exaggerated arm movements until she was out of sight. I laughed about it and went back to work.

Several hours later a thought occurred to me, so I decided to message Karis... and I found out that she hadn't seen me at the Stormcellar at all today. Which means that... who was I was waving to!? I don't know. Some random person evidently. Awkward. It would appear that I have an affinity for strange interactions with random strangers, but oh well. Nothing to do about it but laugh and move on I guess!

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