Thursday, June 21, 2018


From the past couple weeks:

1. It was hot. Even for me. The day dragged on as we worked out in the sun. We decided to go to the truck real quick to get some human fuel. We were all burning up with barely any energy left, and were all slightly dehydrated. It was kinda miserable. As I was drinking some water, Kylie grabbed his 8-pack of uncooked hotdogs. He took one out and started to eat it just as Lupe walked up.
Kylie: Want a hotdog?
Lupe: [long sigh] I guess so. [Lupe took it and paused a moment before taking an unsavored bite.]
Me: Yes, we've reached that point in the day.
All: [laugh at the trueness and funnyness of it, but mainly because we're silently dying inside.

2. Kylie and Kyle and I looked up at the sky. There was a savage break in the sky where it was all of a sudden clear, with dark clouds all around. You could see the clouds moving in a circle and coming back around... funny.
-several hours later-
A quintessential bolt of thunder struck some blade of grass or leaf of tree far off in the distance. It was a straight bolt of lightning, very thick, and it stayed there for a couple seconds before flashing away. It was the type of lightning skilled photographer take pictures of and post online. There were numerous other flashes of lightning off in the distance, where the wind was coming from. In a little bit the storm would really be upon us.
-twentyish minutes later-
"Roll up, let's go!" Everybody dashed around putting all our tools and materials away as the rain came down ever stronger and stronger. We were all joking around while sparkys were hooping and hollering. Then we drove over to the job trailer to drop off the last of it, and then it really came. In a matter of moments we were all soaked through! Nothing quite like a good thunderstorm. Smiles abounded.

3. Kylie, Lupe, and Kenny and I were driving back after another good day of work. As is not uncommon when we're not working, we were instead busy messing around and whatnot. Kenny and Kylie were up front hitting each other, but for some reason Kenny kept hitting Kylie's elbow, which seemed to cause him pain for some reason, as evidenced by his intermittent slight outbursts. This confused me, because it didn't even look like a hard smack.
Me: Why do you care so much about getting hit in the elbow?
Kylie: He's not hitting my elbow, he's pinching my triceps! That stuff hurts!
Me: Hmm, I've never gotten pinched in the triceps before.
Kylie: What!? You haven't?
Me: Nope.
Kylie: Well you should give it a try.
Me: Hahae, ok.
Kenny turned around as I proffered my arm, and he gave it a good pinch. I mean, it was a pinch, but it wasn't like bad or anything. I didn't say anything, either in word or in facial expression.
Me: Hmm.
Kylie: What!? That didn't hurt? [a look of incredulosity washed over his wash]
Me: Well maybe if you had real triceps that wouldn't be an issue.
Kenny: Ooooohhh...
Kylie: Wow. That was... You know, you're getting meaner as time goes on.
Kenny and I: [just laugh and chuckle]
Kylie: [scrinches up eyes and nose in that face you make when you got burned but can't think up a good response]

4. Another time on the way back from work. This time Kenny and Lupe were going at it, insulting each other and vocally wishing they could hit the other person.
Kenny: Hey, we're off site now, you wanna go?
Lupe: Yeah, let's do it.
Kenny: Kylie, stop the car!
Both Kenny and Lupe jumped out and sprinted around the corner of the truck and started going at it... except they were just moving their hands up and down rapidly slapping each other in a very weird manner. Kylie and I were just watching and laughing at the strange sight before us. Soon they called it quits and returned to their seats and we got going again. The funny thing was, Lupe almost slipped on the mud running around the truck and almost fell into the mire! I think we all would've laughed pretty hard at that.

5. Jex and I were running some errands on my day off. She had a big bright smile on her face and wouldn't stop looking at me. She was so happy to be out and doing stuff! Then we approached the house; I was going to drop something off and then go get one more thing. Jex's smile fell. She sulked and pouted, sad that we were back at the house already. But after I dropped off the stuff and jumped in the truck and started driving, she was happy and smiling again! hahahae, she's so funny. I'm just glad I get to have her with me!

Note: I'll probably be adding a few more things here as they happen. Check back later and you might just find a few more 'snapshots.'

6. I was walking along the catwalks up on the tanks, when I noticed that Kylie and Nate were down below bolting up a piece of pipe. "heh heh, oh this is just perfect." I thought to myself. So I leaned over the railing and made a loud 'hou-ick' sound. You know, the sound people make when they're about to hack up and spit out a big ole lougy, ball of snot, spit, etc. Kylie snapped his head up and stared up at me. "Don't you you dare! I'll go up there and whup your ass!" I just started laughing and laughing. I never actually spat anything, but the effect was still quite impressive.

7. Nate and Kylie were bolting up two pieces of pipe one day. They were both very similar, but one was a little longer than the other. It was pretty hot out and our foremen, Kenny and Kyle, were sitting in the truck. Nate and Kylie and I came up with a great plan though that would be super hilarious, a plan to get Kenny to come out of the truck and over to us for no reason at all. We were all laughing about how great the plan was, and by and by we put it into action. I walked over to the truck with a no-nonsense we-got-stuff-to-do face, and informed Kenny and Kyle that the piece was too big to go in the spot between our two water tanks. Kenny started to explain how it should go, and I said, "Yeah, they've tried and tried though and it won't fit." Then with a sigh of exasperation Kenny said, "Ah, fine, I'll just go out there and show you." So we both walked around the tanks and low and behold, both pieces were already in! "What..." Kenny began to say, before he was drowned out by all three of ours laughter. Kyle came over just then too and joined in the laughter. It was pretty great. A flawless plan, and a flawless execution.

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