Saturday, August 25, 2018

Alpacas, Jex, and Lambdas

Saturday, August 25, 2018

I looked at the counter. Amongst a host of standard issue counter-top items sat a pair of salt and pepper shakers. But these weren't you're average ordinary everyday S.A.P. shakers, no; they were two little alpacas, one white and one brown. I stopped mid-sentence and had to point out how wonderful they were to Brooke. They were objectively cute, there was no way a person could deny it. If I ever get around to buying S.A.P shakers, I'd definitely try to find some like these.

Later, I finished taking Jex on a walk. She got sprayed by a skunk. Again. *sigh.. But as I started walking away, I turned my head for one last look. There she was, sitting in the opening of the gate, ears perked, eyes full of longing, begging for me not to leave; she was the canine epitome of quintessential pulchritude. I wanted to turn around and pet her one more time, but, having already did this once, had to keep walking and leave her behind.

At dinnertime, I asked what everybody's favorite Greek letter was. Some said Ξ, others said Σ, or θ, but I will never be wavered from holding it to be true in my mind that λ is by far the best and cutest of the letters. Lambda is just objectively perfect.

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