Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Angry Rant Time

Monday, December 31, 2018

The other day I was on the phone with my mother, and I told her about having had seriously sprained my thumb (I don't think I broke it, though at the time I wasn't quite sure) the other day. It was a glorious story of how Patrick and I had both dove for the volleyball after it came over the net, both thinking nobody else could possibly get it and being entirely unaware of the other's intentions. As it was, we collided and my left hand slammed into the side of his head and we both collapsed in pain on the court. My whole hand was shook pretty bad and especially my thumb, while his head had received such a blunt force hit that a single small drop of blood beaded up on the side of his head. We were both down for the count, and went on to ice ourselves and nurse ourselves back to health. I will say though, he did get the upper hand in that one since my thumb still hasn't fully healed, even three days later. Fun times though, fun times. (It's been a great Christmas break so far, very exciting, hahae.)

Having just related that story to my mother, she asked if I had gone to the hospital to get it checked out. This is a shortened retelling (though not, obviously, word-for-word, but the spirit is definitely there) of what ensued:

"Did I go to the hospital!? Is that even a question!? Of course I didn't go to the hospital! Hospitals are stupid, they charge you hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars, just to tell you, "Oh yeah, go home and rest it and it'll heal." Ohhh wow, I'm glad you told me that doctor, I never would've guessed. You should ONLY go to a hospital if something is VISIBLY wrong, like you about to DIE if you don't get medical attention RIGHT NOW. An arm better be dangling, intestines should be slipping and falling out of your stomach, there should be an immense loss of blood before you go to the hospital. You better be giving birth or in clear danger of dying before you even THINK about it. Hospitals are so stupid. I'm not about to go pay hundred$ of dollars and sit around for a couple hours just to be told it'll heal by itself. I'd much rather sit at home with a broken thumb and let it do just that instead of going to the hospital first and only then going home. Hospitals don't have doctors, they have war healers. If you go, it should be painfully obvious why you went. A random guy off the street should be offering to walk you to the hospital because you are obviously in a lot of pain and will probably drop dead before you make it there  by yourself. There should be daylight pouring through the bullet hole in your chest, you should be coughing up your internal organs, limbs better be in danger of falling off, before you go to the hospital."

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate what hospitals do. Well equipped hospitals with trained staff are a wonderful product of this modern world we live in, it's just that they're not that great for small things like a potentially broken hand. Try a chiropractor guys.

The Potential Dog Thief

Monday, January 15, 2019

About a week ago I was reminded of an even t that happened about a year ago: that crazy dog-lady who is actively trying to seduce Jex. She walks up my friend's driveway and then up a couple steps to the yard where Jex is tied out just to pet her and occasionally give her treats. One Christmas she even dropped a bag of treats on the front doorstep for her. I've bumped into her a couple times while out walking and she always stops and tries to pet her, and I always forget to tell her to not trespass on my friend's property so that she can pet Jex. This concerns me because this type of consistent behavior isn't.. well, I'm afraid that one day she'll steal my dog away. If Jex is ever missing one day, I'm going to be 100% suspicious of this lady.

But anyways, the reason I was reminded of this lady the other day is that I bumped into her while walking Jex. She had two friends or family members with her, and when she saw Jex she was like,

"Oh, is that Jacks?" And went to pet her. But this time I remembered to talk to her:
"Hey, how's it going. Hey, do you think you could not give her treats when you walk by? I'd just rather not have you doing that to my dog."
She replied, "What? I never give her treats. I haven't ever done that."
"Well, please don't go up and pet her when she's tied out then."
Here she sounded slightly offended: "But every dog needs love. She needs to be petted."
"Yes, but she's my dog and I'm asking you to just not pet her. I take good enough care of her."

At this point one of the guys with her recognized that this was an awkward conversation and told her that they should probably get going, but she began going off saying how Jex needs love and deserves to be petted and walked and so forth. Here I repeated, "Please don't pet her in the future. Thank you." And with that, I turned and walked away, leaving her with no option but to follow her friends' advice and to continue walking as well. And that was that.

How someone can make the accusation to the owner of a dog who is currently out walking her that that dog doesn't get enough love and isn't cared for properly is beyond me. Perhaps the fact that she is tied out in a yard during the day is sufficient evidence to levy claims of not-loving-your-dog? Bringing her inside at night isn't enough, little kids playing with her at random points in the day isn't enough, and me taking her on walks and adventures isn't enough, and so it is absolutely necessary that she pet Jex when she is tied out on someone else's private property. (And not just reaching over a fence to pet her, no, it's walking a car's length driveway and up two steps and to the open gateway to pet her. This can only be a very conscious decision.) That must be what she thinks at least. Perhaps she doesn't know all of that, but to assume it is nevertheless an overstep on her part, especially when she is saying this to my face... while I'm out on a walk with Jex. Curious.