Monday, November 20, 2017

The Non-Steak T-Bone That Almost Was

Sunday, November 19th, 2017

Sometime I should come up with a really good start to a blogpost, but I suppose today is not the day. Oh well. You'll just have to endure a slow start, but it'll get better, believe it! It seems to me that I wrote about what I'm now going to write about five or six weeks ago, but perhaps its different this time and so it'll be worth it. At any rate, this is what's on my mind right now, so I'm going to write it anyways. Because that's how it usually goes. I find it difficult to write about something that's NOT on my mind. Well, enough of that, let's jump right in.

Fact: Week long breaks from school make me melancholy. Why? I don't know. Christmas break is great, and summer break I'm working so much I don't have time to be melancholy, but it's those short little week long breaks that get ya. Like Thanksgiving. It's kind of strange and oddly inexplicable, and I'm still not sure why. I'll get back to you if I ever figure it out. All that to say, I was spending this Sunday trying not to fall into that slump and to really enjoy break and make the most of it.

I went to the early service at church today, which was great. Got to hear the story of David, Nabal, and Abigail, and then a sermon on it too, and we also sung some of my favoritest songs too! After that I walked Jex around for a bit, then went back home and... did something. I think I just wasted time mostly. Oh well. But then at three I left to go to dancing, and brought Jex along too. My sister made her a cute little red scarf, so Jex was wearing that as we were driving along. And then, it happened. There I was, driving happily along, petting Jex in the shotgun seat with one hand while the other stayed on the steering wheel and with a good song thumping on the radio, when all of a sudden, the traffic light turned green. This may not sound shocking, but consider this: I was driving up to the light, going bout twenty-five, and had not yet got to the point where I needed to apply the brakes when the change occurred. Since green means go, I continued on toward the intersection with the intention of going straight through. Shocking, right? Well, at the same time, there was another vehicle sitting at the light waiting for it to change so he could make a left turn. As soon as it was green, he decided it'd be a grand time to turn left while I was heading straight for the intersection. Note that he had no green arrow, but a green light, meaning he needed to YIELD and wait for traffic to clear before turning. Well, like I said, he went for it anyways. Perhaps he was feeling really gangsta that day. So there I was driving with one hand and bopping to the beat when I see a vehicle accelerate, quickly going into a turning maneuver. Straight. For. Me. I was going to get T-boned. Except I swerved into the other lane just in time to avoid the pending collision and so made it safely through. And then I laughed. That was great. Jex slipped due to the swerve, then got a little nervous and jumped up in my lap, so I brushed her back to her seat and we continued on and I laughed a little bit more. And then I made it to the dancing place.

It was definitely a slow day with so many people out of town, but there was still a handful of people there, with a few more coming but were gonna be late. Since there were so many new dancers there was a little East Coast lesson, and then Jana taught us a new dance called... I forget. It was a line dance, but slow and stately. It was alright, but I still prefer the faster paced ones. Charli and Christy came about halfway through this one, and so they petted Jex whilst waiting for the dance to end. Once it had, Benjamin put on a happy, clip along East Coast song and so I went and asked Christy to dance, and we skipped along till we got to a suitable spot on the dance floor. We were the first ones out there since the few guys who were there were either slower in getting partners or, in the case of Benjamin, on the other side of the room getting the music done up before returning to where the people were at. At any rate, there we were. By the time we stopped in our place, the intro part of the song had just finished, and the exact moment the dramatic actual start of the song rung out, we both put our first feet down and started. It was perfect timing, and we both laughed aloud! With such a great start, what could possibly go wrong? Well, with that line it may seem like I've set it up for some striking disaster to befall us, but nothing happened, and it ended as well as it began. After that there were various other dances, and then there was a polka. Those are always fun. Ruth was teaching her brother Sam how to do it, and as Rachel and I passed by them I got my face as close to Sam's as I could considering the circumstances and sounded *tchht! Nothing. He has a really good deadpan. It almost seemed like he didn't notice me at all, and I'm half inclined to believe it. A little after that Benjamin called out that we were going to do a Virginia Reel, and he started the music for it. As it was, it just so happened that nobody heard him and the song got a little ways through before he stopped. He called out again, "Guys! Are you going to dance this or not?" Then he started it again, so then I took Ruth's hand and we skipped out to the floor to start the line. But as we went we kept skipping higher and higher and more pronounced, and then everybody started laughing the further we went. It was great, fantastic even. And even then, by the time we got there, nobody else was making a move! With much arm waving on our part and some prodding by Benjamin, we finally got some people to come out. Usually that's not a problem, but with most of the guys being new to dancing they were still a little slow on the draw. And then we did the Virginia Reel, and it was great too. We did lots of exaggerated arm movements, and laughed as we went.

By and by though, five o'clock rolled around and with it an end to dancing. I asked around and it seemed that there wasn't a ton going on tonight, so I invited everybody over to my apartment for pancakes. About half ended up coming, so we had Isaac, Sam, Charli, Nik, and Christy, and then some other people joined us from the 6th street compound, adding the other Isaac, Froh, and Luke to the mix as well. We cooked up some good pancakes, throwing in some scrambled eggs too, and Charli even brought some real maple syrup. I have no idea where she got it, but it was amazing. We ate in the living room and sat around and talked for a while, then played this weird hand thumpy game that involves laying on the carpet and thumping your hand at the right time to stay in and not get eliminated. It's an interesting game for sure. After that it was seven fifteen, and Isaac, Luke and Christy had something in fifteen minutes, so they headed out. Sam was gone already too by this time. Then the other Isaac, Nik and Charli and I stayed a lil longer and cleaned up, and then we talked for a bit longer before they too left. Funnily enough, it was at this same time that John showed up. (He'd texted me earlier to see if anything was going on, and I said there were people over and to come too if he wanted, but unfortunately he got there just as they left) So we just sat on the couches and had a great conversation, and around two hours later he headed back home and I went upstairs to sleep.

And so ended another great Sunday. It's amazing to have so many good friends to share it with, and I'm glad that they're around. Thanks guys!

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