Wednesday, November 22, 2017

To Washington

Tuesday, November 21st, 2017

"Here we go!" That's what I thought as I jumped out of bed this morning. And indeed, it was so. I had about two hours to get packed and ready to go, for we were going to be leaving for Washington to spend Thanksgiving break with Isaac's family over there. I quickly packed eighty percent of my stuff, then decided it'd be a fine time to make breakfast. And, heh heh, to make things even better, I had some goat cheese. Fresh, fine, ready to eat goat cheese, I'm not kidding. Charli had given it to me yesterday morning, and now I planned to put it to good use. I threw some onions, mushrooms, and red bell peppers in the pan to get them going, then slapped a tortilla on a plate and spread some cheese over it. By this time the eggs were ready to be cracked, so three eggshells found themselves disposed of and three eggs found themselves in the pan. After a little seasoning I scrambled them up, let 'em cook till they were done, then scooped them onto the tortilla. Then I fried one egg and threw it on top of the pile, and finally placed the whole thing back in the pan to heat the tortilla up. I threw some more cheese on the fried egg, and then I was done. Except the eating part that is, but that was easy. It was SO good! Especially the fried egg part, because the yolk was at its perfect state of finishood, and combined with the nice warm goat cheese, was simply amazing.

After I had taken my sweet time in making breakfast, I still had twenty percent or so left of things to get ready for leaving, but I managed to procrastinate doing that until the bitter end, even getting to the point where Issac and Laura were waiting on me. Thankfully Luke was still not ready, so I finished first and then we all waited for him. By and by we pulled up to Rachel's apartment, and then she just waltzed on out of her door with all her stuff ready to go, and we took off. I was expecting her to be a little slower for some reason, but I was duly impressed. Especially so since she brought with her some awesome muffins she baked that morning. Muffins always bring me joy. And then we were off! Well not quite, because I realized that I'd left my phone at the house, so we stopped by real quick and I ran off to grab it up. And that was all, we were ready to go! But then we stopped real quick to fuel up, and on that final note we left Moscow behind. Pullman, however, not much more than six miles later, stopped us again as we went to The Daily Grind to pick up some coffee. Why did we need coffee? I'm not sure, but apparently it was important. We stopped at this particular place since Noel worked there and we wanted to say hi before we skipped town. After that we finally made good our retirement from well known lands and ventured out into the wide world that is beyond the fringe of Eastern Washington.

After talking for a good little bit, Luke fell off to sleep, and then soon after Laura. Rachel, Isaac, and I talked on for a good bit after that, and then Rachel too dropped off to sleep. Isaac and I continued on in wakefulness. This was great, because Isaac was driving and it'd've been a bad deal had he succumbed to slumber. Bout halfway there, the others woke up, and then we stopped for lunch and fuel. Then we hit the road again, and I napped on and off until about twenty miles or so out from our destination. It was then that we made our second restroom stop because of necessity, but the first exit we came to had some poor options. The only viable options was some patio/deck/furniture store, or Hooters. We took the furniture store. Isaac parked in the largely empty lot, and Rachel and I ran in. To get to the back of the store where our desired destination lay required walking past the clerk's desk, where two employees sat waiting for customers to come. We were the only ones in the store, so one asked us if we needed any help or had any idea of what we were looking for. Rachel said, "We're just looking." And we just kept on walking somewhat confidently, pretending to be interested in the lawn chairs and gas grills. But then we made it, and we escaped from view of the clerks. Business done, I waited while inspecting the gas furnaces and evaluating them for their suitability. Soon Rachel joined me and we discussed the pros and cons in hushed voices, trying not to bust into laughter the while. "I'm not sure if this will fit the measurements in the living room." "Oh yeah, and where would we out it in the car? We'd have to leave a couple behind if we brought it." So we then 'decided' not to buy anything and made a beeline for the door, laughing at our glorious success as soon as the door shut behind us. It was great.

Soon after that we made it to the house in about ten miles or so. We met the family, got situated, and Luke, Issac, his father, and I watched Bear's basketball scrimmage after dinner. There was a nice relaxing evening to follow, during which time I learnt how to find people on spotify. My whole world has changed, as I now realize that all I need to do is find somebody with good playlists and follow them! Revolutionary, I know.

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