Sunday, December 3, 2017

Slight Miscalculations

Friday, December 1st, 2017

There I was, peacefully vacuuming in the Stormcellar, when all of a sudden I heard a small noise behind me. I whipped my head around to see what it was that had made the sound because I was the only one in the building. Or at least that's what I hoped. The moment I turned around, the fluorescent light flickered off and on, and there was a person standing right there not a dozen feet away from me! My heart leapt a thousand feet up to the tops of my eyeballs and thoughts whirred through my mind faster than leopard on a rainy day in June. Where did she come from?? I had no idea. A second later, my parasympathetic nervous system took over and calmed me down again: it was just a mannequin. Whew! I went back to work with a good chuckle and a twinkle in my eye and wondering why these things always happen to me. There was this one time a broom scared the living daylights out of me. But that's a different story for another time. Maybe ask me about it and I'll tell you.

Anyways, several hours after that morning episode, Anna and I were doing a quick brush up on the respiratory system before our quiz, when we came to something we'd both forgotten about. We were both in the commons, she sitting on one of those armchairs, and I was on a diner-style stool with four legs. Behind me was a little table where Sarah and somebody else were sitting, so I pivoted on only one leg and spun ninety degrees around to ask her if she knew what it was. But alas, she was still talking and was busy. Then Anna said I should ask Ruth, so I did a one hundred eighty degree turn to face her, but I spun too quickly. With an almost slow-motion feeling to it, I felt the chair falling too fast down and backwards, and my leaning forward was not enough to compensate. With an inglominous crash I thudded to the ground, amid a general turning around of heads within the commons to see what had happened, and even those in the classroom noticed. (How could they not, it was a loud sound!) Why does that room have glass doors?? Oh well. At any rate, I let out a good laugh as I fell, and more upon my landing, and reduced it to a simple chuckle once I picked myself up. Amazingly enough, Ruth managed to miss the whole ordeal and only heard the sound. So I started telling her what'd happened, and then decided to demonstrate. Whilst doing so, I almost fell over again! So much for that.

And that's what happened to me, or rather, what I brought upon myself today. Life would be so less interesting without all those little miscalculations we make. Tomorrow, keep an eye out for those little things, and be prepared to laugh at yourself. Sometimes you're the only one to witness the funny things you do, but other times that's not exactly the case. A good dose of laughter is great medicine either way!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I removed the first comment because I did not like the way it sounded and decided to rewrite it.

      You always were one to cause a good amount of laughter.:D I am glad you are keeping it up.
      So, how did the broom scare the living daylights out of you? But wait, that would mean you where dead. Just kidding.;) Anyways, what happened?

    2. Well, it was a dark, dark, lonely night. The rain pelted the tin roof above me as I cleaned the outside of the glass doors leading into the school. Eerie sounds occasional rose above the dull throb of the storm as it labored on. All of a sudden, someone jumped out of the shadows and lunged for me. I jumped about twenty feet in the air and turned around as quick as I could to face my attacker. But lo, twas only a green broom that a gust of wind had blown over. The living daylights were scared out of me, for behold, it was night.
