Monday, December 25, 2017


Saturday, December 16th, 2017

I may have gotten to bed at five thirty in the morning, but boy did I make up for it by sleeping in till one thirty in the afternoon. There was caroling down in the square at two, so I figured I still had time to go. I did my morning routine, then headed off to pick up Jex. From there we took it at a brisk run and made it to the square about twenty minutes or so late. Before I went round the corner, I put Jex's scarf on, and then we joined the people in singing. It was pretty great! Jex managed to distract many of those around us in petting her. Once the singing was through, everybody lined up to get cookies and hot chocolate. I found some people and talked, and Jex got even more pets. Then some kid spilled his hot chocolate in the snow, and Jex ran over and began munching on the chocolate snow. I laughed. Then I joined a circle where Bobby and his sister Abigail were. Abigail noticed mine and Jex's matching red scarves that Savannah had made for us in the fall, and she thought it was so cute.
I smiled. "My sister made these for us. It's pretty cool!"
"I feel like if I did something like that for Bobby he wouldn't think it was cool and wouldn't wear it." Here Abigail looked at Bobby with her half imploring eyes, to which Bobby half squinted in reply. I internally chuckled at their nonverbal communication. After that I walked back with Keziah and Wesley, and we talked about divers things before I came to my street and we parted ways. I dropped Jex off back at the house, then walked back to my apartment on 6th. By this time it was around three thirtyish I want to say. I don't remember where I was going, but a little while later I went outside to leave and... what in the world was this!? There was a bag of something that was left on my front doorstep. Excitement coursed through my blood: what could it be? Who had put it there? I jumped back inside and opened it up and... MUFFFFFINNSSS!!!  It was a whole bag filled up with muffins! This was amazing!! I didn't see any note saying where it had come from, so I unwrapped one (they were all individually wrapped, somebody went through a lot of trouble to do that!) and ate it up. And then I suspected Rachel had a hand in this, for it tasted like her muffins. I dumped all the muffins out of the bag looking for some clue to verify my suspicions, and then I found a little note tied to the handle of the bag. O. hahahahae. It read, "To 6th Street, from The Superior Hill Apartment" I broke into laughter. Ah, it was Rachel and Mandy and the Hannahs then, for their apartment was above the apartment below them with the other girls. It was doubly funny because 'Superior Apartment' referred to both its location and quality in relation to the other (rival?) apartment. At any rate, I was deeply grateful for the muffins, which were amazing. I love muffins.

At six o'clock Patrick picked Luke and I up to go down to TRC to help set up for the dance that was going to begin at seven. We hung lights and moved tables and hooked up sounds systems and so forth. At the appointed hour, a couple people arrived, and about half an hour later the bulk of the people showed up and we began. It was a lot of fun, and I was thankful for the cold that came with the snow, for it got quite hot in there and I went outside regularly to cool off. Not much super out of the ordinary happened until the very end, when somebody put on a different sort of music song and declared a free style dance time. I hadn't expected this at all, but I was down for it. A ring instantaneously formed, and one or two people at a time would jump in the middle and do some fancy trick stuff, it was amazing! Patrick did some awesome breakdancing, Isaac (not the Mexican) did some fancy fast footwork dance thingy, and Thomas (not my roommate) did some cool flip sequences and even a straight-up backflip from a standing position! As each person performed their bit of expertise, the crowd would cheer and yell, "Ooaaaahhh!!" It was great, and we all had a ton of fun.

Afterwards, I caught a ride back home with Brooke and the others she was taking to their homes, and upon my arrival Bobby and I began a game of chess. (Here it is necessary to take a brief detour and explain the nature of Bobby's arrival. He biked here, through the winter snow, on his bike, the instrument most bicyclists use when they bike somewhere. For some reason Bobby thinks it's the best thing in the world, and it gives him immense satisfaction to bike in the snow. Why is that? He likes the fact that you can't really go that fast, and he even more enjoys all the drifting you can do on the slick roadways. He loves this so much that he will go out of his way to refuse car rides so that he gets the opportunity to bike halfway across town, just because he loves it. It may be negative seventeen degrees outside with a ninety-eight percent chance of a blizzard and thirty-five mile an hour winds, and he'd still be out there biking through the snow. I have a roadbike with those skinny little tires, so biking in the snow and ice is out of the question for me, but I imagine I'd at least like to give it a shot. If Bobby's passion for it is anything to go off of, it's quite fun. Ok, back to the chess game.) We started right around ten, and it was a very beautiful game indeed, being won purely by positional advantages, as evidenced by the fact that our material was equal the entire game. By the time we finished around eleven, we realized that we should already be at the Superior Apartment to watch Stranger Things with our peeps. So we quickly made all haste to hark over there, and a few minutes later we pulled up. Bobby and I ran up the stairs and into the apartment and... nobody was home. Empty. Oh, awkward. For a brief second I knew not what to do, then an idea flew into my funnel. "Perhaps they're downstairs." So we both went to the Inferior Apartment (not sure if that's its actual name, but that's what I'll call it until someone corrects me) and I listened for a brief millisecond before realizing there was a substantial party going on in there. Now I knew what was going on, so I figured I was invited too, so I burst through the door as suddenly as I could and surveyed the crowd with a loud "A-O!!!" of greeting. Everybody cheered and somebody put a cup of rootbeer float in my hands and I sat down and joined the party. It was great! Most everybody from the dance was there, and we had a good time talking and laughing about all the things.

About forty-five minutes later or so, Bobby, Rachel, Ruth, Benjamin, Mandy, Handerson, (our name for one of the Hannahs to help distinguish between the two) and John and I were upstairs about to start watching the last three episodes of Stranger Things 2. For our last hurrah, Bobby and Ruth(?) (I think it was Ruth, it might've been Rachel) made two pies for us all to enjoy, and other people brought other delectables. While we all waited for I know not what, I took it upon myself to amuse myself with one of my favorite parlor games, namely, sitting Indian-style and rolling in a circle on the floor. With only a small amount of effort, one can go around and around almost indefinitely, well, at least until one gets too dizzy to carry on. I then showed Hannah how to do it, and we both went around in the same circle, but on opposite halves of it. After a bit she decided she'd had enough and stopped. Then a marvelous idea flew into my mind and, and so I called to John and Bobby and Benjamin. I taught them all how to roll in a circle, and then we all sat down in a circle with our backs to each other sitting Indian style. Then, the word was given, and we all started rolling at the same time. It was hilarious! It was like... I don't know, but it must've looked hilarious. Some of the girls took pictures and videos, so at some point we were probably on snapchat or something. As we kept going, one person was inevitably slower and caused pile-ups, and eventually we all crashed into each other and ended up in a confused and tangled heap on the floor. Everybody all busted into laughter as we began to extricate ourselves from the conglomeration. After that, I had another marvelous idea.
"Let's make a pyramid!"
And so we did. Benjamin, John and I formed the bottom, Bobby and Hannah the middle, and Ruth managed to clamber up to the top without knocking any of us over or fall off herself. It was quite impressive if I will say so myself. Somebody got a picture of it too; if I ever figure out how to put pictures on here, I may come back and put it in so yall can see.

Anyways, after that we got down to business and ate pie and watched the last three episodes. They were pretty good, and even more enjoyable with the wild yells and screams from the audience that accompanied every intense scene. We finished pretty late in the night, and by the time we were done talking afterwards, it was like three in the morning. Another late night, but totally worth it!

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