Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas Chakra

Monday, December 25th, 2017

Well folks, it's Christmas. And nothing quite gets the day set off right like a good breakfast of cheesy grits with eggs and orange juice. Ohh yeeaah. And the best part? It all just magically showed up there on the table, ready to eat. Mothers are great, just sayin. Just as we were beginning breakfast, Grandma showed up; she'd already eaten but joined us at the table anyways. After that we all gathered round in the livingroom and dished out stockings, which contained, among a few other items, a couple things we were all expecting but quite excited for: each had it's own thing of eggnog in addition to crackers, salami, or cheese. We skipped along to the kitchen and sliced it all up and put it on a big platter. Meanwhile, empty glasses and bottles of various delectable liquids were brought and adorned the erstwhile empty table. Soon they were joined by the platter of cheese and meat and crackers, and it was these that we munched on for the next several hours as the day progressed. Jacob arrived a little after getting the crackers out. We exchanged several gifts, and then Jubal and Savannah and I added the new lincoln logs the boys had got to the old ones and all built our own forts. Then we set up our men and had a big battle, each taking turns and getting one shot each time. After several rounds, I eventually emerged victorious. Jubal was dumbfounded, "But I remember the last two times we played this, I won!"
"Well," I replied, "I guess you can't win 'em all, can you?"
After that we all did various and divers things, and eventually I found myself in the kitchen with mamma. I'd already thrown my bread in the oven, and now we both finished the sweet potatoes, and then we cleaned up after the breakfast dishes and got everything set to rights again. It's nice to have such things dealt with, and nicer not to deal with them by oneself or late at night, or, worse yet, both. At any rate, it went swimmingly.

Then dinner was ready and we had a great ham, buttered green beans, heaven-sent sweet potatoes done the perfect way, Grandma's fancy pear halves with cheese and mayonnaise, fresh bread out of the oven, and perhaps one more thing I've forgotten. It was great. After that we had a brief respite before dessert, and I read Grandma several of my blogposts, which she greatly enjoyed. Apparently I was unaware of the fact that dessert had in fact commenced, and that cherry and apple pie with vanilla icecream was a thing. I am still undecided as to whether I should go see a therapist and check if my cognitive and mental faculties are still working properly, since my not noticing the eating of dessert had given me sufficient cause for doubt... or if I should rather just go ahead, admit defeat, and live out the remainder of my days as a naturalized Chinese monk laboring in solitude on a desolate mountaintop to unlock the seventh gate of my inner chakra in order to regain balance in the universe. I finally decided to simply go get some pie and move on with my life.

After that harrowing experience, we went on to do a variety of things, but it was all pretty chill (which was nice!). By and by we read the story of Saint Nicolas along with the final portion of our Advent storybook, with the culmination of the birth of Jesus. Then Jubal and Titus went off to bed, and mamma, dad, Savannah and I played Splendor while Lydia and Jacob sat on the couch and watched and played games on their phone, and Grandma sat in the rocking chair reading a book. It was a good evening, but eventually we all went to bed; except, however, Savannah and I, who stayed up cleaning bedrooms and writing, respectively. Or at least, that's what we said we were doing, we actually ended up just talking a bunch. But it was great.

And that's bout it! It was a great Christmas, and I couldn't've asked for a better. (Except, perhaps, it would've been nice to write about it all in a bit more detail, but it's getting late and I'm tired and want to get to bed. Besides, I was too busy enjoying the day as it went to worry too much about writing it. I might come back later and add more though, just to make it better. (post script: Wait, I just added the title. I always do that last. Not sure if it actually fits or not, now I'll definitely need to come back and edit this. (Also, you may be wondering what 'post script' means; that's long for 'p.s.' (I could add something else here, but the last time I started doing parenthetical phrases inside of parenthetical phrases, it kinda got a little out of hand. (Ok, that's it. When I come back and edit this I'm going to axe this whole paragraph and pretend like none of this ever happened.))))) Coolio, merry Christmas yall! Peace out!

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