Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Nice Things

Why are we so scared, so tentative, so unwilling, to compliment others? Perhaps it's because we're afraid what they might think, or that we'd say something wrong and make it super awkward or something. Yet we all love receiving positive remarks and (for the most part) none of the above scenarios ever actually happen. It doesn't have to be a big deal, and with a little practice, we can successfully brighten peoples' days with just a few words. What sorts of things should you compliment though? For starters, take note of peoples' hair, and when they get a haircut or put it up differently, tell them you like it. Or say something about their jacket, tie, shoes, or dress. Or their smile. It's not that hard to think of others. Alternatively, you could also try just giving a small bit of encouragement to people throughout the day who look like they could use it. A word here, a note there, and you'd be surprised how much good can be wrought. You don't even have to know the person and you can still add a dash of sunshine to their life. If you're driving down a hill and someone is biking slowly, determinedly, up, shout out your window, "You can do it!" as you pass. It really is the little things in life that often make the largest difference, and if we all go out of our way just a time or two a day to do something nice for somebody, the world will be a happier better place. What are we waiting for? Let's go!

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