Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Wreck

Thursday, August 24th, 2017

There I was, on my two-wheeled foot-powered metal and rubber contraption, rushing toward home. Except when I got to the driveway, I sped on past, not even slowing a smidgin. Why? Had I forgotten where I was going? Not at all. I may have slightly misled the reader, for I was actually going to a friend's house where my dog Jex was living at. Every day I go there to walk her, and today was no exception. So there I was, speeding along at twenty-two mile per hour, when the truck four meters in front of my put on his brakes sharply for a right turn at the bottom of the incline. This was a slight problem, because I was right there on his tail on the far right-hand side of the road, and he was turning right in front of me. Being a sensible person, I applied my brakes but didn't swerve to the left to avoid the oncoming collision; there was another car following that big white diesel truck, and I'd assuredly get rear-ended if I swerved. That is a bad thing if you're on a bike. It's also a bad thing to run into the side of an expensive truck, but hey, at least I wouldn't get run over after being hit, or in this case, doing the hitting. As I approached to my certain demise, brakes clenched all the way down but doing nothing to stop me in time, the driver of said truck noticed me in his passenger side mirror and applied the brakes, allowing me to rush past his grill and come to a stop on the other side of the street. He stared me down with a steely gaze as he accelerated past as I stood there and grinned back.

After that excitement, I jumped back on my bicycle and sped on to my destination. A block later I swung right and raced down the slight incline to the approaching little hill down the way, and what sound was it that tickled my ear and made my face contract into a devious smirk reminiscent of a little boy who's just released two fat toads amongst his sisters' tea party? The dull roar of a diesel engine. As I rushed past the same white truck I'd almost run into half a minute ago, I beamed him with a smile so bright you'd need a pair of sunglasses to keep from burning as my right hand whipped up into the wave position so enthusiastically you could taste the salt and feel the spray from a mile away. A boisterous hearty laugh resonated from the depths of my being as I sped past, and it almost seemed like the sun shone a little brighter too.

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