Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Half Hidden Smiles

Tuesday, (I forgot the date, oh well), 2017

My rebel ways were bound to catch up with me at some point, and when they finally did, well, that was that. See, it started off just like every other normal Tuesday morning, but there's always this crunch time between classes because history lets out at ten and then Latin starts at ten as well. This makes things difficult on those days when we get out a minute till the hour and have to be in our seats on the other side of the building before ten. Add onto this the fact that I took a necessary detour upstairs, and I was in for some trouble: namely, I was late. This was indeed evidenced by the fact that as I entered the classroom everybody was already seated and all turned their faces over to look at me. There's something about that feeling that you get whenever this happens that can sometimes be difficult to explain. It's kind of like you want to apologize for existing, while at the same time having a whelming desire to say something snarky and sit down with a smug grin on your face. These two feelings combine to form a somewhat strange sentiment, usually culminating in an odd look of not quite surprise and a half-haste to get to your chair. Which just so happens to be right next to the professor... awkward. If I had any conflicting thoughts waving inside me, there was no indecision at all on his face. Magister wore a smile and his voice sounded with a chirp as he happily stated that I was late, and on top of that, wasn't even in dress code. For these infractions our class was dealt a penalty, corporately: no blue jeans for the rest of the week in his class. Nobody was surprised. I hadn't been in dress code since school started back up, and this was bound to happen at some point. They all had a yup-I-told-you-so look hidden deep beneath their almost concealed smiles, and it was all I could do to not bust up laughing right then and there. That, as you know, could possibly result in more penalties for all of us, so I kept my trap shut. And that is why, if you're going to not follow dress code, be sure to arrive on time.

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