Sunday, September 10, 2017


Saturday, September 9th, 2017

There weren't many people left, and so at long last I decided to take my leave as well. I'd already told Wesley that'd I'd take him back to his house, so the two of us hopped in my truck and started off. I wasn't paying a ton of attention while on our way out of the grass parking lot, when all of a sudden I hit a largeish group of people with my truck's headlights. Now that I could see them I hollered one of my greetings out the window, "A o!". And then Luke hollered back, "Leaf, wait up a sec!" as he dashed over to us. "Have you got some room for a couple of us to ride?" "Yeah sure, jump on in!" And so he and Caleb (the freshman) hopped in the back, and then Laura and Sarah T followed soon after and hopped in the back too. I thought that was it, but then Luke asked if I had two empty seats in the cab, I replied affirmatively, and then Kat and Sarah E got in too. Well I'll be! Here I thought it was going to be just Wesley and I, but now we had a truck-full! Funny how that happens. The only thing I wonder is how in the world they were planning to get back to 6th street in the first place, and why they were walking to the parking lot, since none of them had any cars. One can only guess. At any rate, we were off.

After dropping Wesley off at his place, the rest of us went back to 6th street where they had all planned to have a movie night. What movie was yet to be figured out, but that wasn't a big deal. We all piled into the living room of Laura's apartment and the conjecture convened to decide the movie. Then someone mentioned being hungry and how they'd like something to eat, and an idea flew into my funnel. "If I made pancakes, would anybody eat them?" Several people instantly declared that was a fine idea and they'd love it, so we burst into action. Luke and I ran over to our apartment and grabbed all the ingredients and supplies we'd need and then hurried on back, at which point I threw it all in a big bowl and started frying up pancakes. Luke tossed the butter on and handed them out to everybody while we watched the Scarlet Pimpernel, and it was perfect. Pancakes at night are amazing, and everybody loved them.

Spontaneity is one of my favorite things, especially when it involves a lot of friends. I had no plans at all for that evening, but then ended up driving a bunch of people to 6th street, got invited to join in the movie night, made a bunch of pancakes, and hung out with friends. It was wonderful. How better to spend your Friday night? I am all for doing things at the flip of a switch and just letting life happen. You can't plan out your entire life, and you never know what tomorrow holds. Heh, you never know what today holds. Make the best of what happens, and don't get too hung up on all the details. And that's why you should always keep a well-stocked pantry.

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