Monday, October 9, 2017

A Pig Tale

Written Sometime 2015ish

This story was written in a very particular way. Can you notice what makes it so special?

Once upon a time a tiny, cute, but sad pig went for a walk in the wood. She did moan and cry and go on and on for her tail was not as she did wish it to be. Just then, she hap'd upon an old wise frog.
"Why do you cry so?" said he.
"My tail is not good like the tail of the pony, who has a long and cute tail. Mine is not long, nor is it cute. In fact, it is ugly!"
"My dear pig," said the frog, "you want what you can not have. You must be glad that you have a tail, and like it as well."
"Yeah, but you don't have a tail, so how do you know?"
And with that she ran off and left the frog. Next she came to a girl who had her hair done in a pig tail. "You have a pig tail just like me!" said the pig. "But a pig tail is ugly. I want a tail like the pony has."
Then the girl said, "Oh, then look at this!"
And very soon she had made her hair into a pony tail!
"Ooh, can you do that to me?" said the pig with much glee.
"Why yes, I can try," said the girl, "but it may hurt."
"Okay, I don't care, I just want a pony tail."
So the girl did pull on her tail to make it long like a pony tail, but then, oh no! With a loud pop! it came off!
"Aaah!" both of them did yell.
The girl felt so bad that she ran off back to her home as fast as her feet did go.
"I must go back to the frog and ask him what to do. He will know."
So off the pig went, and soon did she find him in the same spot he was at noon time of this day.
"I lost my tail!" she did cry. "I want it back, what do I need to do?"
"What did you do to lose it?" said the frog.
And so she told him all.
"Hmmm, I can't help you at all. You must do as I said at noon and be glad with what you have."
And so the pig left very sad, for she had no hope to get her tail back. But, I will tell you this, she did do as the frog had said, and you won't ever find a pig as glad as her. In fact, once one year had gone by, a nice newt saw how glad she was thru that hard time, and so he told her how a newt can grow his tail back, and so the pig did try to do it too. Four days went by, and then she had a nice new pig tail! She was very glad, from her nose to her tail, and then the frog and the newt and the girl and the pig ran off and they did play from dawn till dusk.

Figure it out? The thing about this whole story is that only words with four or fewer letters are used. Surprising how easily we don't notice it. Does that say something about our modern vocabulary usage? I'll let you be the judge.

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