Tuesday, October 17th, 2017
It was bound to happen at some point. I should've seen it coming. I'd never seen it before, but I remember last year everyone was going crazy over it so I figured it was probably fairly decent. With Bobby insistently dangling the line, he finally induced me to bite. Better late than never, right? It was so good, disappointed I am not. It's quite the gripping story and it seems like it'll get even better; they really know how to use those cliff hangers too. A couple nights ago we watched the first two episodes of Stranger Things. I am convinced it's one of Bobby's favorite things to get people hooked on television shows. As far as faults go, that's not that bad I guess. Perhaps after I see a few more episodes I'll be better able to determine how bad a fault it is. And so it was that I again found myself over there, this time with Benjamin and John too, and we watched two more episodes. Oh, and we had oolong tea too, it's one of my favorites. Since season two comes out this halloween, Bobby wants me to finish off the whole first season so we can all watch the second together and throw a big party. I'm not sure how many there are, but we'll see how that goes. At any rate, I'm glad Bobby got me onto this, it's a story well told!
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