Wednesday, October 11, 2017

That Moment When You Do It Again

October 11th, 2017

Have you ever said something you immediately wished you hadn't? Yeah me neither. Or at least, that's what I'd like both of us to be able to say. Why do we do this to ourselves? How hard can it be to bite our tongues? You'd think that after all this time we'd learn to think things through before saying them. But why haven't we? Perhaps the solution is as simple as the problem. Say the wrong thing? Think before you speak! Simple, right? Sure. Sounds easy. Putting it into practice though is harder done than said. It's hard work. And we, being the lazy, slothful people we are, do our best to avoid such unpleasantries. And at what cost? Or rather, whose cost? Those who we harm with our words. If we put as much effort into controlling our tongues as we do in avoiding hard work, we'd be much better at not hurting our neighbors unintentionally. It's not easy, and I'm no professional myself. But join me, friend, in speaking judiciously and together we shall make this world a better place.

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