Monday, October 2, 2017

Library Looting

Sunday, October 1st, 2017

My Loot Dialogue is due tomorrow. Consequently I was just now putting the finishing touches on it, getting my citations in order and scrambling to find page numbers for them all. *sigh* It was around half till nine, and I was making slow but steady progress. I got up and hand-brewed some spice dragon red chai caffeine free herbal tea anyways. Valde me delectat. Not ten or fifteen minutes later Luke came home. He fried up some beef and I took the opportunity to get some bread rising so I could bake it tomorrow afternoon. Or maybe that came first and then I made tea. At any rate, he told me his plans for the evening, mentioned in passing that certain people were at the U of I library, and then went up to bed. That was enough for me. I shot Hannah of a text asking if they were indeed looting at the U of I library, to which she responded by telling me where they were and entreating me with, "Join us, comrade." So I packed up my bag, hopped in the truck, and was there in ten minutes or so. Well, there was a whole cohort of us there. So much so that they had dragged a table to add it to the other table to form a bigger table while a different table was also being used across the room. Bobby asked me to sit down at his right hand, and that was the start of it. I made considerable progress on my Loot Dialogue, while every now and then somebody would crack a joke, find a hilarious meme, or start a really awkward conversation that you could hardly not join in and listen. Things so far out in left-field you don't know where they came from like, "So John, would you let anybody at this table do your makeup, and if so, who?" We were dying. It was too funny.

At some point I finished my Loot, and then I moved next to Hannah and we started working through the Natural History oral study guide. That was quite enlightening and we both made a lot of headway. Then around, what was it, one or so? One-thirty? The second wave of people left, the first having left around midnight, leaving Hannah and I to finish our studying. (There was still a lot of ground to cover!) And then it hit me: I had left my computer open on the other end of the table next to Bobby for quite some time. I hoped he hadn't done anything, but I felt like he had. Sure enough, he changed my profile picture to the cookie monster and my computer background to what's her face, some popular pop singer. *..sigh....* He even had a big long chat with Rachel through my computer about what they should do. As soon as I found this out I fixed everything and sent them both a message saying that I shall be avenged. You just wait, he'll never see it coming.

Well we continued to make good progress and then we finally made it through and got everything down. We quizzed each other over all the questions and then called it a night. Hannah had her oral exam at nine this morning, and as we walked out of the library it was about two fifty-one or so. Hahae, late night. It's definitely finals week now. On the way to her house we had a scintillating conversation about dreams, dreaming, and that weird state when you're falling asleep and you become asleep but are somehow still aware of the fact. By the time I got back to my place it was a little after three and I threw my stuff on the floor and plopped into bed. Thus begins our final exams.

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