Thursday, October 12, 2017

For Worse Or For Better

October 12th, 2017

It seems to me that there's some things in life that you love and hate at the same time. Like when you find a sore spot on your leg and you hit it with your fist and it hurts but it feels good at the same time. Or Or when you slice one more piece of cheese and it tastes so good but you know you shouldn't be devouring all your cheese at once because it needs to last. Ok, well maybe you don't necessarily relate to those examples, but I'm sure you can think of things that you like and dislike at the same time. Maybe running, eating ice-cream, or cleaning the house. I don't know. At any rate, I think fall break can safely be put into this category. Yes, it is wonderful. I mean, some of us went camping yesterday and the day before, which was a blast. (In Oregon! I've never been there before! The mountains were beautiful! And when I woke up in the morning there was snow on the ground! And the rocks/cliffs were so fun to climb! And.. but I digress.) Earlier in the week, a bunch of us got together and watched Batman Begins at midnight. There was baked potatoes and peach cobbler with loads of vanilla ice-cream, and we drank tea and finished the movie at four in the morning. How much better can break get? And yet on the flip side it is just as boring as it is enormously fun. I spend way to much time slacking off and doing absolutely nothing all by myself and it gets boring. Whenever I or someone else tries to plan a fun outing nobody wants to do it because they want to wait till next week when more people are in town. So we end up doing nothing. Except for the few things that we do do. It is most assuredly the week of extremes. *sigh* If only I were more disciplined and got more stuff done, or better at getting people together to go do fun stuff. Or both. The first step to solving a problem is noting there's one present, right? At least I've got that part down. I'm going to try and be more proactive with the rest of my time this week and get more work and/or play done, and less of whatever it is that I've been doing that gobbles up the time. Because I honestly don't know where it went or how it was spent.

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